This deck contains the following cards:Extra Deck (x4):Abyss Actor - Hyper Director (x2) - Ultra RareAbyss Actor - Super Producer (x3) - CommonMonster (x23):Abyss Actor - Mellow Madonna (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Liberty Dramatist (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Twinkle Little Star (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Wild Hope (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Comic Relief (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Trendy Understudy (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Extras (x3) - CommonAbyss Actor - Leading Lady (x2) - CommonSpell (x16):Abyss Script - Abysstainment (x1) - Ultra RareAbyss Actors' Dress Rehearsal (x2) - Super RareAbyss Playhouse - Fantastic Theater (x3) - CommonAbyss Script - Romantic Terror (x3) - CommonAbyss Script - Dramatic Story (x3) - CommonAbyss Script - Rise of the Abyss King (x2) - CommonAbyss Script - Opening Ceremony (x2) - CommonTrap (x5):Abyss Actors Back Stage (x3) - CommonAbyss Actors' Curtain Call (x2) - Common
1 day ago
5 days ago