Marriage in the Roman Catholic Church is the "covenant by which a man and a woman establish between themselves a partnership of the whole of life and which is ordered by its nature to the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of offspring".The Handmade Wedding Kit includes:Wooden Premium Box: to keep the kit before and after the ceremony occurs.Arras: the symbolic gesture communicates the couple's trust in each other to share the responsibility of managing the household finances. The groom makes a pledge to provide for his family while the bride vows to honor the blessings God has put into their lives. The coins are also a good luck token to ensure the couple will never be without money. .Candles: it symbolizes the light of Christ and the Light of the World. This is the light that darkness cannot overcome.Bible: the collections of books accepted as the authentic inspired record of the revelations made to mankind by God about himself and his will for men. It is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. In the New Testament, the Old is generally spoken of as "the Scriptures" or "the sacred writings" (Matthew 21:42). Gradually the word has been used in the singular and "Scripture" has become a synonym for the Bible (Acts 8:32). "Testament" has the meaning of "covenant" with reference to the two covenants God established with his people in each period of human history.Lasso Rope: this cord symbolizes lifetime unity or the everlasting union of the bride and groom when they officially become husband and wife, as well as a symbol of marital protection; while the loops formed signifies their love for one another.Rosary: a form of devotion in which five decades of Hail Marys are repeated, each decade preceded by an Our Father and followed by a Glory Be.
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